Tree Planting & Landscape Renewal
Moore/Andersson Compound

Over the coming years, we will be designing a dramatic overhaul of the Compound's acre site.
Why? The winter storm of 2020 (SNOWVID) wiped out many of the original plants and screening shrubs, such as the Pittisporm (non-native), that all perished. The near mono-culture of Post Oaks (Quercus stellata) are dying off not only on our site, but throughout Austin. Hot summers, colder winters with more frequent deep freezes, and water conservation all add up to a new reality to which we are obliged to adapt.
Over the past years, Kevin Keim has been testing various genus and species to determine tree most suitable to our site conditions. He has found that Escarpment Live Oak (Quercus fusiformis), Burr Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), Blackjack Oak (Quercus marilandica), Cedar Elm (Ulmus crassifolia), and disease resistant American Elm (Ulmus americana) fare particularly well.
In addition we are developing palettes of shrubs, vines, perennial plants, cacti, succulents, grasses and wildflowers that will better endure the changing conditions.
We would be so grateful for contributions to fund the many layers of work ahead of us!