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Charles W. Moore Archive

University of Texas at Austin

When the Charles Moore Foundation was established in 1997, Moore’s personal and professional archive was entrusted to the University of Texas at Austin Alexander Architectural Archive for its long-term organization, care, and preservation. The archive is located in the Charles W. Moore Room in Battle Hall, which was designed by Cass Gilbert. The collection documents Moore’s work in architecture, education, and scholarship. The holdings include drawings, models, manuscripts, notes, correspondence, and other papers. The collection also includes tens of thousands of Moore’s 35mm travel slides and even 16mm films.


For appointments and additional information about research policies, please contact the Alexander Architectural Archive


Tel.  (512) 495-4621


MLTW Archive

University of California at Berkeley

The archive of Charles Moore's first firm, MLTW Moore Lyndon Turnbull Whitaker is cared for by the Environmental Design Archives at the University of California at Berkeley.

Charles W. Moore Collection

Yale University

The Archives of the Yale Library holds collections related to Charles Moore's work in the 1960s. 

Charles W. Moore Bibliographic Archive

Charles Moore Foundation, Austin

For several years, the foundation Director, Kevin Keim, has been building an archive of all the publications—books, magazines, journals, and newspapers—that covered Charles Moore's work.


The database now includes over 2,000 entries.

For every entry, we try to obtain a pristine-condition copy of each publication, so that visiting scholars will be able to examine original resources.

If you would like to visit the Bibliographic Archive for research, or if you have any questions about entries, please contact Kevin Keim.

The Charles Moore is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, based in Austin and Los Angeles.

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